Support Garden Joy
by volunteering and through donations.
Your donations make Garden Joy possible and are tax deductible as we are a registered non-profit 501(c)3.
Volunteer Hours
Total volunteer hours:
Over 7,000 hours from hundreds of volunteers.
Produce harvested
Total produce harvested and donated:
Over 5,000 pounds of produce.
Supporting businesses
We are grateful to the many local and national businesses that have supported Garden Joy since it was created in 2016.

Want to volunteer at the garden?
Volunteers can sign up for anything from harvesting produce to pulling weeds.
We have a job for any skill level. Be sure to sign up on our email list to stay up to date about work days and events at the garden.
“Garden Joy has been a peaceful and exciting place for our family to volunteer at. My three children and I look forward to watching the garden transition to the different seasons throughout this year and learning more about how to have our own thriving garden at home."
~ Nicole Wheeler and family

Have questions about Garden Joy?
Check out our FAQs section on our About Us page.
We offer a sincere thank you to all the businesses and individuals who have contributed towards the garden at a level of $500 or more…
K. Darpinian and Sons Farms
Karen & Dan Vogel
Lynette & Brian Vos
Lynn & Ron Darpinian
Jacque Riella
The Swager Family
Steve and Kathy Anderson
Naomi Newhouse-Oscarson & Ed Oscarson
Stephanie & Vince Hobbs
Stay connected as we grow…
Contact us.
(209) 818-7177
929 W. Main Street
Ripon, CA 95366